James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

 At Global Renewal we are passionate about caring for those who cannot care for themselves. That is why we have started the Global Rescue Initiative. Together with our international partners, we work to rescue children who are trapped in poverty, addiction, and sexual exploitation.  

Through this initiative we have rescued over 1,500 girls from sex-trafficking so far!

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Please watch this video highlighting one of the ways that you can get involved in this ministry!

Meet Rev. Solomon Kings, Leader of our Global Rescue Initiative

Rev. Solomon Kings is the co-founder of the global recue initiative and the director of the Global Rescue Initiative in Delhi, India.

Rev. Solomon Kings is also the pastor and founder of The Full Life Assembly of God Church in the capital city of a country in South-Eastern Asia. Since it’s founding in the year 2000, this church has grown to over 1000 believers from ten different states, worshiping in five different languages, conducting eight services. He currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent and missions director of the North West District of the Assemblies of God in his country.

In 2015 Rev. Solomon began developing a powerful ministry, rescuing underaged girls from the horrors of sexual slavery and human trafficking called the Full Life Children Home. This began his work rescuing precious young ladies from the clutches of prostitution, slavery, kidnapping, child labor, child marriage and domestic sexual abuse. In 2017 Global Renewal began partnering with the Full Life Children Home and out of that partnership the Global Rescue Initiative was formed! The Global Rescue Initiative in Delhi is a safe-haven for these rescued girls. In this home they are protected, restored, and taught basic life skills as well as a trade. Through the Global Rescue Initiative, more than 1,500 girls have been rescued and we continue working to see more girls rescued from sexual slavery and abuse!

Our Stories

The Grownup Teenager

and a cheerful demeanor; Nevertheless, her sun rises with the sound of her parent’s fight, and this goes on all day till night.  

The first crack in the walls was seen when her mother left her father and her father chose to wed a different woman. She saw the stepmother as hope, but that slipped within a day as she learned that her stepmother forbade her from speaking to her father at all. The stepmother, who was supposed to be the rainbow with all the colors, turned into the storm with all the suffering. 

Reena was still hopeful in her hopeless life, as she held onto the last string of hope. She ran to her mother. Everything was fine until her mother decided to marry another man. The stepfather, with a sudden blow, raped her, and took the last thing she was left.  Now she was left with nothing and nobody. 

Reena chose to return to her biological father and her stepmother with the thought that, maybe now, her stepmother would be the rainbow she always hoped for. But now, the storm was darker than before, and she ran away. The only difference was that, this time, she didn't run back to someone, or hold out hope that her misery would cease. 

Reena, away from everything, found herself at the train station. Finding herself away from one suffering, she discovered more. Many men found her, and they turned out to be exactly like her stepfather.  These men raped her, and defiled her, body and soul. Everything she was going through made her believe that this was how the world worked. She started to become a girl who found pleasure in the wrong. She started to lose hope before hope left her.   

When we heard everything she went through, we did not think twice about getting her out of that world she thought was right for her. We rescued her because we believe that once you lose balance on a tight rope, you can still get back on. Because she was sexually abused many times, she showed mental instability and hence she is getting treated at the Psychiatric institute.


When we see India, the gap between the rich and poor is vast. Here is a tale involving five kids and a pregnant mother, who endured through the rainy and sunny days, knowing that the rainbow awaits them someday. 

The situation became grim as the earning member of a poor family continuously drank and abused the poor pregnant lady and the children. They had no assets to protect them from the collapse of their perilous financial situation and, as a result, had hand-to-mouth existence. 

That’s when our rescue crew, with passion to serve, arrived at the family’s residence. The state was pitiful. The family shared a room with just one bed.  Living in an unorganized environment, hygiene was extremely poor. Similarly, the kitchen wasn’t ideal; it had a stove where one has to sit down and cook, which is particularly risky for pregnant woman. 

The woman had three girls and two boys. All children were rescued, brought to the rescue home where they receive proper care, education, and many other privileges that young children would. The children can now have huge dreams, further their education, and eventually, be self-sufficient to support their mother’s happiness on their own. As a whole, we have led efforts to give these children the childhood they deserve.


Growing up in a physically abusive household, Sana would hear her parents scream and fight through the walls and sometimes she got caught in the crossfires of their warfare.

Though Sana excelled at school and cherished her time there, her being a good student did not make her father a good person. When the abuse at home became worse than ever, Sana and her mother could not hide under the covers anymore. They decided to run away.  

After overcoming many obstacles they arrived at the railway station. Sana, rather than hearing the bell for the next class, now listened for the announcement of the next train to pick up the used bottles to sell so her and her mother could eat. Every day Sana had to compete with other people for the used bottles. Some people threatened her and others beat her but she still overcame all these obstacles.

Soon, Sana could not handle the pain they faced and decided to go back to her father. without telling her mother she returned with the hope that perhaps her father would have changed. But nothing changed. The screams, the pain, the hiding under the cover, everything remained the same. 

Sana decided she had to go back to her mother. She searched for her mother everywhere at the railway station but could not find her. She stayed there alone and searched for her mother every day. One day, as she was searching for her mother our rescue team found her. After walking through the tunnel of pain, Sana is now getting everything she ever wanted. She is being homeschooled and she is back to being an excellent student as she was.


I was brought to the rescue home when I was only 11 years old, I have been living here for three years. I lost my mother when I was little. I did not know that this one incident would change so much in my life. My father moved in with a married woman who had children of her own. I was happy to live with that lady. At least I had someone to take care of me in place of my mother. One day, the lady’s biological son came to our house and quarreled with her and my father. He threatened consequences if the lady did not leave this illicit relationship. When I heard them fighting fear crept deep inside my heart. I took refuge in my nani (grandmother), who was living in a public open shelter. The shelter was not a safe place for me. My father also left me since then. Thankfully I was rescued from that place and brought to the rescue home. After reaching here my life has gotten so much better. One day I came to know that my nani became severely ill because of cancer. The caretakers planned to take me to visit her in hospital when the pandemic hit the city and the movement was restricted. I was eagerly waiting for the pandemic to settle when my nani passed away on 06, July, 2020. Tears rolled out uncontrollably. I lost the family member which was for me in my life. 

Now the Rescue Home is my own family. I have caretakers who look after me like a mother and the other girls treat me like their own sister. I always find my peace and rest in the hands of Jesus papa who I came to know in this wonderful place.