Global Renewal has partnered with Global Teen Challenge to see countless addicts find freedom all over the world!

If you know anyone who is struggling with addiction, please give them this phone number and tell them to call us as soon as they are ready to get help: (717) 386-3846. We will do everything we can to help them get placed in the Teen Challenge center that is right for them.

Read the testimony below to learn more.

Transformed at Teen Challenge

My name is Nathan Cox. I was an addict, drinking every day, doing cocaine, taking pills and just losing my mind. Finally, one weekend my wife and I went to church, as we regularly did, but that weekend was different. Jesse Comrie was a guest speaker at Hobart Assembly, Hobart, IN. He told all about his story and said if anyone wanted help that he’d help them.

After some talking, I was on my way to Brooklyn Teen Challenge in New York where I met some amazing people. Unfortunately, I had to leave early but the whole time I felt God all around me. Even though I had wonderful success in a short time, I strongly urge anyone who enters this program to please stay for the full program.

Life following addiction takes hard work and dedication to stay clean. I came home from Teen Challenge a different man. I’m still going to church, praying, studying the Bible, growing in God every day, and going to classes to help me stay clean. It is not easy, but with God’s help I know I can make it.

 Thank you, Teen Challenge.